Παράκαμψη προς το κυρίως περιεχόμενο

Donato Fontanella, notaire (1321)

Titre : Actes notariés de Donato Fontanella (1321)
Date : 1321
Genre : actes notariés
Langue : latin
Période concernée : médiévale
Lieux concernés : Candie, Crète
Résumé : 90 actes instrumentés à Candie.


[Donato Fontanella, Notary].

Venise, Archivio di Stato, Notai di Candia, b. 97, 6 ff.

Note : Le protocole comprend 90 actes.

Éditions modernes

Stahl, Alan Michael (éd.). The documents of Angelo de Cartura and Donato Fontanella, Venetian Notaries in Fourteenth-Century Crete. Washington D.C. : Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 2000

Find the document : https://www.sudoc.fr/073107670...

Note : Il s'agit de l'édition de 90 actes, précédés d'une introduction en anglais. Les actes aux pp. 223-256.


Chatzakis, Ioannis. « Échanges juridiques dans la Crète vénitienne. Observations à l’occasion de l’institution des « notaires grecs » (notarius in scriptura greca) (XIIIe-début du XVIe s.)  », Études Balkaniques, 2013, vol. 19-20, pp. 153-185.

Read online : https://www.cairn.info/revue-etudes-balk...

Magnani, Matteo. « Statuts vénitiens et paysage documentaire à Candie aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles », dans : Lett, Didier (éd.), Statuts communaux et circulations documentaires dans les sociétés méditerranéennes de l'Occident (XIIe-XVe siècle) : Statuts, écritures et pratiques sociales - II, Paris : Éditions de la Sorbonne, pp. 223-242.

Read online : http://books.openedition.org/psorbonne/4...

Find the document : https://www.sudoc.fr/267933819...

Note : The article is centered around the history of justice and its social relations in the first half of fourteenth century Venetian colony of Crete. In particular, the aim is to focus on the differences between the practical behavior of justice and the law system ruled by the Statuti promulgated by Iacopo Tiepolo in 1242 in Venice. Our study give particular attention to the situation in Candia, the island’s capital city. As we show, Candia has to be also considered in a deep relation with its internal political structure. Indeed, we have to keep in mind that Candia and all the other cities of Crete—Rethymno, Chanià and Sithia—were ruled as communes, reworked by the Venetian political ideology and structural constitution. The mixed cultures that coexisted on the island gave to Candia an international dimension, which has to be analyzed in order to catch a glimpse about its social complexity; in particular regarding the interactions between the Greek-Byzantine culture, the communal background and the Venetian institutional model. From the historiographical point of view, the article enrolls itself to the principle for which the term “Governance” defines all the measures and the organs of decision and information that allow the good government of a State. The administration of justice is one of the fields in which we can observe all the social boundaries that belong to governance, for example the reaction of the subjects during a trial.

Rédaction : Voisin, Ludivine
Dernière mise à jour : 13/07/2023
Permalien : https://frankika.efa.gr/el/node/4415