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A. Beihammer, A. Nicolaou-Konnari (eds), Crusading, Society, and Politics in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Age of King Peter I of Cyprus


A. Beihammer, A. Nicolaou-Konnari (eds), Crusading, Society, and Politics in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Age of King Peter I of Cyprus, Turnhout, Brepols, 2023

Table des matières :

Angel Nicolaou-Konnari, Peter I of Lusignan (1324–69, 1359) in Historical Sources and Modern Popular Culture

Angel Nicolaou-Konnari, Appendix A: The Life and Reign of Peter I of Lusignan (1329–69, 1359) according to Leontios Makhairas and William of Machaut: A Thematic Comparison

Kakia Niκolaou, Appendix B: (Tentative) Psychiatric Assessement of Peter I of Lusignan (1329–69, 1359)

Alexander D. Beihammer, The Sack of Alexandria (1365), the Crusading Movement, and the Eastern Mediterranean in the First Half of the Fourteenth Century

Part I. From Acre to Alexandria – The Politics and Ecology of Crusading

Mike Carr, Cyprus and the Crusades between the Fall of Acre and the Reign of Peter I

Charalampos Gasparis, Crete, 1357–67: A Stronghold for Venetian Diplomacy and Crusading in the Eastern Mediterranean

Johannes Preiser-Kapeller, A Climate for Crusading? Environmental Factors in the History of the Eastern Mediterranean during the Life and Reign of Peter I of Cyprus (1328–69)

Michalis Olympios, Angevin and Lusignan Visual Claims to the Crown of Jerusalem: Parallel Lives?

Part II. Peter I’s Alexandrian Crusade (1365) – Event and Context

Peter Edbury, Chris Schabel, The Papacy and King Peter I of Cyprus

Chris Schabel, Appendix A: Pope Innocent VI’s Letters Concerning the Succession of King Peter I of Cyprus

Chris Schabel, Appendix B: Pope Urban V’s Letters Concerning King Peter I of Cyprus and the Crusade

John France, The ‘Military Revolution’ and the Eastern Mediterranean in the Age of Peter 1 (1359–69)

Clément Onimus, Peter I of Lusignan’s Crusade and the Reaction of the Mamluk Sultanate

Angel Nicolaou-Konnari, ‘Le roy de Chippre de renon’: The Depiction of Peter I of Lusignan in French Literature

Part III. A Crusader Kingdom – Cypriot Society before and after Peter I

Miriam Salzmann, Stability or Chaos? Power Élites in Lusignan Cyprus between the 1360s and 1390s

Gilles Grivaud, Le roi Pierre Ier et son conseil

Johannes Pahlitzsch, The Suriani in Lusignan Cyprus until the Murder of Peter I (1369): Terminology, Legal Status, and the Curia Surianorum

Part IV. The Rise of a New Power – Muslim-Turkish Anatolia

Rhoads Murphey, The Long Prose ‘Epic’ of Sarı Saltuk Dede (fl. circa 1260 to 1298) as a Source for Understanding the Style and Context of Crusading Warfare in the Late Thirteenth-Century Near and Middle East

Romain Thurin, ‘Wolves and Sheep drank and grazed together’: A Case Study on the Formation of the Anatolian Beyliks

Daniele Baglioni, Italian Vernaculars as Diplomatic Languages in the Medieval Levant

Part V. The Schismatic Ally – Byzantium between Islam and Unionism

Alexander D. Beihammer, Crusade, Civil Strife, and Byzantine-Turkish Coalitions in the Time of Emperor John VI Kantakouzenos (1341–54)

Sebastian Kolditz, John V Palaeologus in Rome

Charles Yost, Anti-Palamism, Unionism, and the ‘Crisis of Faith’ of the Fourteenth Century

Alexis Torrance, Cyprus in the Late Byzantine Theological Landscape, with Special Reference to the Palamite Controversy
