Knowledge of medieval Greek societies under Frankish and Latin rule is based on written sources from the 12th to the 18th century; to this category belong chronicles and historical accounts, various literary productions, documents extracted from archives or manuscript collections kept in libraries.
Each source is identified by a title, i.e. by a customary name established by historiographic tradition or associated with the title of a publication, in the case of a recent edition. For each title, the manuscript origin, the successive editions, the translations, the secondary studies relating to the source or its author are traced. Access to online resources is provided, where available. The list of titles is developed below.
Given the variety of sources and their titles, the search is facilitated by geographical identification. Each source is associated with one or more toponyms, which are names of regions (Cyclades, Morea, Ionian Islands, etc.), cities (Candia, Famagusta, Chios, etc.), political entities (Latin Empire of Constantinople, Latin East, etc.).
- Collegio, Lett. segr. ; Lib. secr. ; Notat. ; Secr. ;…
Étienne de Lusignan, Les droicts, auctoritez et prerogatives que pretendent au Royaume de Hierusalem
contiennent les procès-verbaux des réunions, mentionnent le sujet de discussion, mais pas nécessairement les détails du débat ou les sommes d'…
239 chapitres qui présentent la conception du pouvoir royal et la matière féodale.
Péloponnèse (hors colonies vénitiennes), de 1356 à 1432.
dans la vie sociale de Candie.